All exhibitions curated for the Tasmanian School of Art Gallery/Plimsoll Gallery – University ot Tasmania, Hobart unless otherwise noted.

1981 Landscape – some interpretation of Wally Barda, Virginia Coventry, Adrian Hall, Old Mick Tjakamarra, Ronnie Tjampitjinpa, Don Tjungurrayi, and Dick Pantimatu Tjupurrula. Introductions: Paul Zika and Andrew Crocker, Essay: Dismas M Zika. 6-page catalogue: Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

1983 A Place of Contemplation – architectural attitudes to space Wally Barda, Greg Burgess, Norman Day, Bruce Goodsir, Jennifer Hill, Peter Jensen, Corbett Lyon/Cameron Lyon, Ian McDougall, Richard Munday, Gary O’Reilly, Ian Robinson/Kai Chen, Alex Selenitsch, Des Smith, Michael Viney and Mark Willet. Introduction: Paul Zika, Essays: David Saunders, John Lewis and Leigh Wooley. 68-page catalogue: ISBN 0 86779 001 6 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

1984 On site co-curated with Jonathan Holmes Tom Arthur, Julie Brown, Elizabeth Gower and Hossein Valamanesh. Preface: Paul Zika, Introduction and Essay: Jonathan Holmes. 36-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 258 1 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

1987 Screenprint; Poster; Ray Arnold Introduction: Paul Zika, Essay: Jonathan Holmes. 10-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 365 0 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

1988 Outgrowing Assimilation? Bashir Baraki, Dennis Del Favero, Sigi Gabrie, Peter Lyssiotis, George Michelakakis, Milan Milojevic and Dina Tourvas. Foreword: Paul Zika, Essay: Elizabeth Gertsakis. 8-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 387 1 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

1991 The Total Look – locating furniture Howard Arkley,James Kutasi, Tom Risley; Fred Cress, Mark Douglass, Deborah Halpern; Fiona Gunn, Wendy Lewin, Caroline Williams. Introduction: Paul Zika. 24-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 485 1 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

1992 A Life of Blank – works by Imants Tillers co-curated with Pat Brassington Essays: Jennifer Slatyer and Jonathan Holmes 44-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 501 7

1992 The Flower Christl Berg, Kit Hiller, Jo-Ellen Jackson, Anne MacDonald, Sally McGillivray, Janine Miller and Mary Scott. Foreword: Paul Zika, Essay: Llewellyn Negrin. 24-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 514 9 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

1993 Install x 4 Fiona Gunn, Kevin Henderson, Peter Hill and Donna Marcus. Introduction: Paul Zika, Essay: Edward Colless. 24-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 535 1

1994 Four Seasons – objects that contain Karina Clarke/Jim McKee, Zsolt Faludi, Murray Gibbs, Stuart Houghton, Shenna Low, Jim McKee, Julie Stoneman, Marcus Tatton. 4-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 561 0

1995 Liquid Voices – Anne Morrison Essay: Peter Hill 16-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 602 1

1996 Tangibility? – Three Installations Claire Barclay, Stephen Bush/Jan Nelson and John R Neeson. Essay: Jonathan Holmes. 32-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 654 4

1997 Interface 2 – Stephen Hurrel Published within Stephen Hurrel – in transit : Australian residency and other works Interview: Peter Hill, Text: Stephen Hurrel. 32-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 768 0

1997 re : search – co curated with Mary Scott. Tony Bishop, Wilma Tabacco and Philip Watkins. Introductions: Mary Scott/Paul Zika and Jennifer Marshall, Essays: Jonathan Holmes, Merryn Gates, Philip Watkins. 36-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 729 X

1999 Jamboree – Works by Mandy McIntosh Text: Mandy McIntosh. 10-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 850 4

2000 Death and Decoration Raymond Arnold, Irene Barberis, Narelle Jubelin, John Neeson, Patsy Payne, Stieg Persson, Debra Phillips and Anne Louise Rowe Preface: Paul Zika, Essay: Maria Kunda. 24-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 898 9

2001 (So many things can happen in one minute) – Nathalie deBriey Foreword: Paul Zika, Text: Brigita Ozolins, Leigh Hobba. 16-page catalogue: ISBN 0 85901 962 4

2003 Painting Tasmanian Landscape Michaye Boulter, Tim Burns, Geoff Dyer, Kerry Gregan, Patrick Grieve, Christine Hiller, David Keeling, Stephen Lees, Anne Morrison, Ian Parry, Susan Robson, Richard Wastell, Philip Wolfhagen and Bill Yaxley Preface: Paul Zika, Introduction: Celia Lendis, Essay: Jonathan Holmes 32page catalogue: ISBN 0 86295 083 0

2004 Disorientate – colour, geometry and the body John Aslanidis, Paul Boam, John Dunkley-Smith, Neil Haddon, Jon Plapp and Wilma Tabacco. Prologue: Paul Zika, Essay: Ona Kaukenas 20-page catalogue: ISBN 0 86295 205 1

2005 Looking South Chris Cree Brown, Stephen Eastaugh, Peter Fitzpatrick, Sue Lovegrove, and David Stephenson. Foreword: Paul Zika, Essays: Lynne Andrews and Elizabeth Leane 40-page catalogue: ISBN 1 86295 234 5

2007 Full Frontal: images from within the studio Trudi Brinckman, John Barbour, Dale Hickey, Geoff Lowe, John R. Neeson, John Nixon and Jacky Redgate. Foreword: Paul Zika, Essay: Jonathan Holmes 32 page catalogue: ISBN 978 1 86295 411 3 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

2008 Dale Hickey: Life in a box Foreword: Chris McAuliffe, Essays: Domenico de Clario, Stephen Haley, Chris McAuliffe, John R Neeson, John Stringer and Paul Zika 40 page catalogue: ISBN 978 0 734039 04 0 Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

2008 Repetitions – co-curated with Sean Kelly Ciara Moore, Leigh Hobba, Daniel von Sturmer and Martin Walch Foreword: Sean Kelly, Essay: Jeff Malpas 32 page catalogue: ISBN 978 1 86295 448 9 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

2011 Journeys: through history, theory and practice Pat Brassington, Stephen Bush, Domenico de Clario, Julie Gough, Ian Howard, Donna Marcus, Brigita Ozolins, Julie Rrap, Guan Wei and Elizabeth Woods Foreword: Paul Zika, Essays: Edward Colless, Jonathan Holmes, Ross Gibson and Brigita Ozolins 46 page catalogue: ISBN 978 1 86295 631 5 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

2012 A World Between: a survey of prints by Milan Milojevic – co-curated with Maria Kunda Foreword: Paul Zika, Essays: Peter Hill, Jonathan Holmes, Peter Hill, Anne Kirker and Maria Kunda. 84 page catalogue: ISBN:978 1 86295 683 4 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue

2014 The Brassington Affair – co-curated with Maria Kunda Pat Brassington with Amanda Davies, Mikala Dwyer, Lisa Gipton, Brent Harris, Sarah Ryan, Mike Singe and Sally Smart Catalogue in production

2018 Dark( Other) Times – co-curated with Maria Kunda Wayne Brookes, Glen Clarke, Ella Condon, Lisa Garland, Linsey Gosper, Brent Harris, Louise Hearman, Sam Leach, Jennifer Marshall, Milan Milojevic, Robert O’Connor, Louise Paramor, Patrick Pound, Nicola Smith and Michael Vale Essay and biographies: Maria Kunda 52 page catalogue: ISBN: print 978-1-925646-57-3; electronic 978-1-925646-58-0 Download PDF: Exhibition Catalogue