co-curated with Jonathan Holmes

Plimsoll Gallery

Centre for the Arts

Hunter Street, Hobart

Tom Arthur, Julie Brown, Elizabeth Gower and Hossein Valamanesh.

Preface: Paul Zika, Introduction and Essay: Jonathan Holmes

Download PDF: On Site Catalogue


Fundamental to the Tasmanian School of Art Gallery Committee’s exhibition policy is the commitment to exhibit work from outside Tasmania. Normally the selected works are received in crates, unpacked and displayed. Occasionally the artist may be present to install the work or to participate in concurrent lectures/seminars. The latter can give greater meaning to the completed work, but rarely is there an opportunity to witness the work in progress. The Gallery exists within an art school, and this exhibition was intended to extend the normal educative role of exhibitions. Each artist spent approximately two weeks “in residence”, developing and completing a work. The piece didn’t have to be “site specific”, so preliminary work could commence prior to arrival. However, it was essential that further evolution took place on site. There was no intended thematic link between the four artists; but what they had in common was a body of work which illustrated an ability to participate within the exhibition’s framework and an involvement in a range of disciplines (without any being easily categorised within any particular discipline). The diversity proved to be a considerable asset. Not only did the audience gain an insight into the range of conceptual positions of four professional artists, but also into the individual pre-occupations and idiosyncrasies of their particular art practice. Following their departure, we were left with major works within each of the artist’s oeuvre. Paul Zika, October 1984