The structure on Mt. Nelson has evolved directly from my paintings and prints, but the wall has been replaced by the ground as the base plane and the dimensions increased; thus enabling the viewer to actually, rather than mentally, enter. There is still the exploration between real and illusionary space involving the viewer in a ‘game of magic’ but on a totally different scale. There are strong connections with the exhibition ‘A Place of Contemplation – architectural attitudes to space’ (which I curated in 1983); particularly in the related works which seek to highlight aspects of the decision making process in the determining of place and the articulation of space. I have extended the exercise three dimensionally. Furthermore, the work reflects a long standing interest in architecture generally; and specifically funerary earth works and religious structures, as well as the visual vocabulary which reduces the structure to a two dimensional flat projection. The positioning of this contemplative and reflective place is critical, particularly in its relationship to Mt. Wellington and its placement within ‘bushland’. The viewer enters the place by descending a ramp. From within, outward views are fragmented by angular planes – the only uninterrupted view is of Mt. Wellington via a mirror. The seated viewer is protected by a galvanised iron ‘roof:’ this surface also acting as a semaphore towards the mountain. The ‘Place of Contemplation’ and related works are dedicated to the memory of my father.
Paul Zika 1986.